What is ChatAvatar?

ChatAvatar, developed by DeemosTech, is a 3D GenAI tool that allows users to generate animatable production-ready 3D avatars by text or image in minutes.

How can I generate an Avatar?

We have a tutorial on YouTube.

How can I download and pack the avatars?

We have a tutorial on YouTube.

What kind of Avatars can I create with ChatAvatar?

With ChatAvatar, you can create a diverse range of avatars tailored to your preferences. Our platform offers a variety of styles, including realistic, stylized, and cartoon-inspired designs, etc. From popular culture icons to custom-made characters, ChatAvatar provides the tools to bring your vision to life with precision and creativity.

Can I save the Avatars I create with ChatAvatar for commercial use?

In the ChatAvatar platform, assets can be utilized for commercial purposes upon acquisition of a commercial license, as denoted by the commercial license badge positioned in the top left corner of the asset card. Normally, acquiring a license for an asset demands 40 credits. However, for subscribed users, obtaining licenses for the assets they create is streamlined, resulting in substantial cost savings.

Do you offer API services?

Yes, we offer the API service for Enterprise Subscription plan. Please contact us by email (hello@deemos.com) for further information.

How can I use plugins to import digital avatars?

You can find the tutorials with the following links. More engines will be supported in the future.

What if I have technical issues or other questions?

If you encounter any technical issues or have questions, please feel free to email us at hello@deemos.com or reach out on Discord. Additionally, we have a dedicated bug-reporting section on Discord where you can contact us. Our team of professionals will promptly assist you with any inquiries you may have.

What subscription options does ChatAvatar offer?

ChatAvatar offers four subscription options: Free, Creator, Business, and Enterprise, each designed to meet the needs of different user groups. To learn the detailed service, click the "Subscribe" button at the header.

Are there any discounts for annual subscribers?

Annual subscribers enjoy a 20% discount on their subscription.

What happens if I don't use all my credits within a month?

Credits need to be used within the month; unused credits will not roll over to the next month.

How are credits consumed for generating models, and what are their costs?

The number of credits required for generating models varies based on the export options you choose. For a detailed breakdown, you can proceed to the download section.

One credit is priced at $1.5, but we suggest opting for a subscription and purchasing extra credits as needed, which can be more cost-effective as outlined on our subscription page.

How do I calculate the cost of a credit of subscription plan?

The cost consists of base credits and bonus credits.

How do I choose the right subscription mode for me?

ChatAvatar offers various subscription plans to meet the diverse needs and budgets of our users. Here are our main subscription plans and their differences:

Whether you're an individual creator or a large enterprise, we have a subscription plan to suit your needs. By choosing the plan that fits your team size, budget, and feature requirements, you can unlock the full potential of ChatAvatar to achieve your creative and business goals.

We also provide flexible subscription options, allowing you to upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan as needed. Subscribe now and start exploring the limitless creative possibilities with ChatAvatar!